
Large puffy bread made with all-purpose flour

heat rating

Serves 6 (Estimated) Rating 3/5

3 stars

Prep Time 120 Minutes Cooking Time 3 Minutes

Photo soon folks

May contain milk May contain gluten May contain lupin

Vegan safe Vegetarian

Carbon Rating A

CO2e Information

200 g White Flour, sieved
½ tsp Baking Powder
Salt, to taste
230 g Natural Yogurt
Water, for kneading
½ tsp Vegetable Oil

Sieve flour and baking powder together.
Add the salt.
Add the yogurt and mix well.
Add water a little at a time.
Knead into medium soft dough.
Set aside in a warm place to rise for at least 2 hours.
Divide into balls of equal portions.
Apply some flour and roll into thick puris.
Deep fry the puris in hot oil.
Finally serve hot.
